Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Boxtrolls

Laika studios has definitely proven its worth by bringing us three stop-motion animated films (Coraline, Paranorman, and now The Boxtrolls) all of which have garnered Oscar nominations in the Animated feature category. Coraline remains their best film but director Henry Selick (of Nightmare Before Christmas fame) left the company shortly after finishing it. But this has not stopped Laika from creating fine (though less substantial) films when everyone thought they'd be lost without Selick.

But anyway, on to the Boxtrolls! The film's main message of people (and boxtrolls) changing their nature for the better is fine, but as lesson it's heavy handed and repeated ad nauseum. What I really found sort of beautiful was depiction of fathers: one who, by her own admission, is a poor father dispite being the towns "mayor-like" figurehead and another who has a wonderfully caring adoptive father despite being another spiecies that is (falsely) accused of being a man eating monster.

If I had any problems with this film, it would be ineffable to describe: it's funny, heartwarming, and features some fine stop motion animation (though some movement has been gussied up with CGI). ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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