Friday, February 20, 2015

Still Alice

It's hard not to compare movies sometimes. With Still Alice, a film about woman with Alzheimer's, it's hard not to compare it to Away from Her, also about a woman with Alzheimer's. There are even moments like putting things in the fridge that don't belong that mirrored in both films. The key difference is that Away from Her is told from the woman's husband's perspective while Still Alice is trying to get in the head of Alice as she is losing everything.

Something I loved about the film is that it was very much set in the present; Alice uses her iPhone to help her adapt to the new realities of her life. Things like Words with Friends and Pinkberry are also important to the narrative.

It's easy to praise the acting of Julianne Moore in the film and much has been written doing so, which is why I don't feel obligated to add to it beyond saying that it's about damn time she's getting serious Oscar talk. But anyway, I'm going to instead praise the work of two actors I dislike as people, but was pleasantly surprised to enjoy in this film. Alec Baldwin is remains sympathetic as her increasingly distanced husband and Kristen Stewart is wonderfully cast as her seemingly petulant but ultimately loyal youngest daughter.

The movie is successful in what it aims to accomplish while featuring some fine performance. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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